The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Mark Twain


Tom Sawyer

Tom at Home

Aunt Polly Beguiled

A Good Opportunity

Who’s Afraid

Late Home


’Tendin’ to Business

Ain’t that Work?

Cat and Toys


Becky Thatcher

Paying Off

After the Battle

“Showing Off”

Not Amiss


Tom Contemplating

Dampened Ardor



Using the “Barlow”

The Church


Tom as a Sunday-School Hero    

The Prize

At Church

The Model Boy

The Church Choir

A Side Show

Result of Playing in Church

The Pinch-Bug



Huckleberry Finn

Mother Hopkins

Result of Tom’s Truthfulness

Tom as an Artist

Interrupted Courtship

The Master

Vain Pleading

Tail Piece

The Grave in the Woods

Tom Meditates

Robin Hood and his Foe

Death of Robin Hood


Tom’s Mode of Egress

Tom’s Effort at Prayer

Muff Potter Outwitted

The Graveyard


Disturbing Muff’s Sleep

Tom’s Talk with his Aunt

Muff Potter

A Suspicious Incident

Injun Joe’s two Victims

In the Coils


Aunt Polly seeks Information

A General Good Time


Joe Harper

On Board Their First Prize

The Pirates Ashore

Wild Life

The Pirate’s Bath

The Pleasant Stroll

The Search for the Drowned

The Mysterious Writing

River View

What Tom Saw

Tom Swims the River

Taking Lessons

The Pirates’ Egg Market

Tom Looking for Joe’s Knife    

The Thunder Storm

Terrible Slaughter

The Mourner

Tom’s Proudest Moment

Amy Lawrence

Tom tries to Remember

The Hero

A Flirtation

Becky Retaliates

A Sudden Frost


Aunt Polly

Tom justified

The Discovery

Caught in the Act

Tom Astonishes the School


Tom Declaims

Examination Evening

On Exhibition

Prize Authors

The Master’s Dilemma

The School House

The Cadet

Happy for Two Days

Enjoying the Vacation

The Stolen Melons

The Judge

Visiting the Prisoner

Tom Swears

The Court Room

The Detective

Tom Dreams

The Treasure

The Private Conference

A King; Poor Fellow!


The Ha’nted House

Injun Joe

The Greatest and Best

Hidden Treasures Unearthed

The Boy’s Salvation

Room No. 2

The Next Day’s Conference


Uncle Jake

Buck at Home

The Haunted Room

“Run for Your Life”

McDougal’s Cave

Inside the Cave

Huck on Duty

A Rousing Act

Tail Piece

The Welshman

Result of a Sneeze


Alarming Discoveries

Tom and Becky stir up the Town

Tom’s Marks

Huck Questions the Widow


Wonders of the Cave

Attacked by Natives


The Wedding Cake

A New Terror


“Turn Out” to Receive Tom and Becky

The Escape from the Cave

Fate of the Ragged Man

The Treasures Found

Caught at Last

Drop after Drop

Having a Good Time

A Business Trip

“Got it at Last!”

Tail Piece

Widow Douglas

Tom Backs his Statement

Tail Piece

Huck Transformed

Comfortable Once More

High up in Society


Public Questions

Question Type: Written

What new words did you learn? Or what are the words that are rarely used nowadays? List 3 words and their meaning.

Question Type: Written

Why did a hero act this way? Was it in his/her best interests?

Question Type: Written

What do you think is going to happen next?

Question Type: Written

Summarize the chapter in 5 sentences in your own words.

Question Type: Written

What feelings and emotions are described or caused by this passage?

Question Type: Written

Imagine this story evolved in the present day in your city. How would it go?

Question Type: Written

Imagine a different ending for this chapter. Write it in a few sentences.